четверг, 9 апреля 2009 г.

Portable Ubuntu Runs Ubuntu Inside Windows

Free application Portable Ubuntu for Windows runs an entire Linux operating system as a Windows application. As if that weren't cool enough, it's portable, so you can carry it on your thumb drive

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GNOME 3.0 To Get GNOME Shell, Zeitgeist

Only a few days ago, we ran an article on the future of KDE and GNOME, and which of the two had the brighter future based on their developmental processes. Barely has that discussion ended, or the GNOME engineering team comes with a pretty daunting plan to introduce a fairly massive reworking of the GNOME interface for GNOME 3.0 (2.30).

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10 Special Purpose Linux Distributions

One of the several advantages of having many Linux distributions is that there is always one distribution that meets specific needs for a group of users with similar interests.

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Ubuntu accuses Microsoft of Linux netbook FUD

If you think that Windows now completely rules the netbook world, you've been drinking way too much Microsoft kool-aid according to Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu.

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